The Tour de France is a dignified athletic venture that cyclist consider their Mt. Everest. The Tour de South has nothing to do with any of that. Hobbs Nobbin's Tour de South consisted of 3 tour stops over an 11 day journey. The mission behind my tour: make wonderful memories (consume beverages) with some of the most important people in my life to keep my sole warm (all recorded on camera, so we can remember) while I travel the Land Down Under solo.
Tour Stop # 1: Memorial Day at Lake Norris via ATL
Atlanta is not only one of my favorite cities, but it's a place I am considering calling home after I Hobbs Nob through Australia. More relevant than the previous two notes, Atlanta is home to my 3 best friends from college: Jana, David and Jessie. They deserve a much more meaningful title than "3 Best Friends From College", but for blog purposes...there you are.
The four of us decided to do Memorial Day Weekend the proper southern way, on a lake with a cold beverage in our hand at all times. So, after flying into Atlanta, taking the wrong line on Marta and enjoying 5'oclock Atlanta traffic on a holiday weekend we arrived at Lake Norris, Tennessee. Jana's parents were nice enough to not only open their lake front home to us for the weekend, but fill our bellies and livers with delectable treats like Blackberry Sangria and Strawberry Margaritas.
Enjoying bevies after a long boat ride, basically living the dream. |
"Because we're the three best friends that anybody could ever have!" |
The weekend could not have been more enjoyable or relaxing! While we are not as wild and crazy as we were in college, we still know how to have an amazing time. What's even better, we never take for granted the select times we can share together. Thanks for having me up, and I can't wait to see you all when you visit Aussie.
Tour Stop #2: Mamaw's House
As a tiny Hobbs I spent every summer with my Mamaw and Papaw in Huntsville, Alabama. Every day was spent swimming, sliding and diving at the Green Valley Country Club Swimming Pool...ah to be a tiny Hobbs again. As a grown-up Hobbs, the tour stop consisted of cooking, swimming at the pool and a few cold ones on the patio. One could deduce summer at Mamaw's has not changed much, excluding the reference of enjoying a cold brew, which is why spending time with grandparents is the best!
Honestly, the best cookies in the universe. |
While Mamaw is still highly confused on what I am doing in Australia or why the hell I am going, I am so grateful we were able to share quality time together. I am also incredibly grateful for the sugar cookies she baked just for me! These are by far the best cookies in all the land, and I will miss these potentially most.
Tour Stop #3: Sweet Home Alabama
While Birmingham is no longer home to me, it is where I was born and where my sisters and brothers from other mothers still reside. My group of friends and I are incredibly blessed in the fact that we have remained best friends since high school for most of us, but for the lucky few since 5th grade! With all that being said, it seemed only fitting that the Tour de South ended with a Bang in B'ham. The main event was a beautiful wedding, but there was so much more I had to cram in. Lets be honest, what kind of Hobbs Nobber would I be if I didn't fill up my travel agenda to the T!?
The girls and I kicked off with a quick trip to the lake where we drank more wine than I can count, and got a little creepy with Tarot cards. Then came the main event, Sarah's wedding. She made for a beautiful bride and the rest of us made for embarrassing dancers. Last but certainly not least, Stephanie and I hosted a scrumptious cook out. I was so happy to have everyone in one room! This memory will always bring a smile to my face.
Jennifer, Stephanie, Sarah Beth and I on our way to the wedding |
Tour de South was a memorable journey that I now consider a favorite memory. Thanks friends and family for hosting me along the way, and just being who you are. I will miss you all while I am Hobbs Nobbin' Down Unda!